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Начало Книжарница СТЕНО Медицина Medicine English Books Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology

Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology

Цена: 124.00 лв.
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The world's №1 visual atlas of dermatology - updated to keep pace with today's practice.

  • Автор(и):
    Klaus Wolff, Richard Allen Johnson, Arturo Saavedra
  • Издател:
  • ISBN:
  • Година на издаване:
  • Обем:
    960 стр.
  • Тип корица:
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This compact, diagnosis-speeding guide has virtually defined the field of dermatology for thousands of physicians, dermatology residents, and medical students across the globe. Spanning the entire spectrum of skin problems, it combines laser-precise color images of skinlesions with a concise summary outline of dermatologic disorders, along with the cutaneous signs of systemic disease. A color-coded 4-part organization facilitates review at a glance and features helpful icons denoting the incidence and morbidity of disease.


  • More than 1,000 full-color images--many new to this edition
  • New sections reflect the very latest clinical perspectives on the diagnosis and treatment of all skin disorders shown
  • Focus on a wide range of skin types highlights skin disease in different ethnic populations
  • Thoroughly updated coverage of etiology, pathogenesis,management, and therapy
  • ICD 9/10 codes included for each disease



Approach to Dermatologic Diagnosis
Outline of Dermatologic Diagnosis
Special Clinical and Laboratory Aids to Dermatological Diagnosis

Part I: Disorders Presenting in the Skin and Mucous Membranes 

  1. Disorders of Sebaceous & Apocrine Glands
  2. Eczema/Dermatitis
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Ichthyoses
  5. Miscellaneous Epidermal Disorders
  6. Bullous Diseases
  7. Miscellaneous Inflammatory Disorders
  8. Severe and Life Threatening Eruptions in the Acutely Ill
  9. Benign Neoplasms and Hyperplasias
  10. Photosensitivity, Photo-Induced Disorders, and Disorders by Ionizing Radiation
  11. Precancerous Lesions and Cutaneous Carcinomas
  12. Melanoma Precursors and Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
  13. Pigmentary Disorders


Part II: Dermatology and Internal Medicine

  1. The Skin Signs in Immune, Autoimmune, and Rheumatic Disorders
  2. Endocrine, Metabolic, Nutritional and Genetic Diseases
  3. Skin Signs of Vascular Insufficiency
  4. Skin Signs of Renal Insufficiency
  5. Skin Signs of Systemic Cancers
  6. Skin Signs of Hematologic Disease
  7. Cutaneous Lymphomas & Sarcoma
  8. Skin Diseases in Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation
  9. Adverse Cutaneous Drug Reactions
  10. Disorders of Psychiatric Etiology 


Part III. Diseases Due to Microbial Agents

  1. Bacterial Infections Involving the Skin
  2. Fungal Infections of the Skin and Hair
  3. Rickettsial Infections
  4. Viral Infections of Skin and Mucosa
  5. Arthropod Insect Bites, Stings, and Cutaneous Infections
  6. Systemic Parasitic Infections
  7. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  8. Human Retroviral Infections and Mucocutaneous Manifestations of HIV/AIDS Disease 


Part IV: Skin Signs of Hair, Nail, and Mucosal Disorders

  1. Disorders of Hair Follicles and Related Disorders
  2. Disorders of the Nail Apparatus
  3. Disorders of the Mouth
  4. Disorders of the Genitalia, Perineum, and Anus
  5. The Eye 
  6. Generalized Pruritis without Skin Lesions