Medicine English Books
Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, Package Latin Nomenclature, 16th Edition
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System, Internal Organs, Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy
Urology. A textbook for students of medicine
This textbook of Urology is intended for students of medicine. It complies with the academic Urology curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University
Fundamentals of Periodоntology
This book was written with the idea to present the fundamental topics of periodontology
Testsammlung der Histologie
für Studierende der Medizin, Dentalmedizin, Pharmazie und Studierende des Medical College
Testsammlung der Zytologie und Embryologie
für Studierende der Medizin, Dentalmedizin, Auszubildende in Gynäkologie, Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, Hebammen
Organon - the magnum opus of homeopathic practice
Dr. Kishore N. Mehta has a vast clinical experience in Homeopathy for the last 40 years
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text And Atlas, 15th Edition
Junqueira's is written specifically for students of medicine and other health-related professions, as well as for advanced undergraduate courses in tissue biology - and there is nothing else like it
Handbook of Oral Medicine
This book aims to present the relationships between oral and systemic diseases to dental and medical students and clinicians
Practical Manual for Medical Students in Ophthalmology
This manual provides a comprehensive introduction into the field of ophthalmology
Prostheses for Reconstruction of the Auditory Ossicles
In this monograph, we’re reviewing the history of various designs and the implantation of the first „passive“ auditory prostheses
Practical Handbook of Nephrology and Clinical Cases on Kidney Diseases
Аn excellent manual for medical students and young professionals.
Clinical Neuroanatomy
The current monograph provides basic knowledge about the functions of the typical neuroanatomical structures and common symptoms resulting from their damage
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Lectures
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Part one
Manual for Practical Exercises in Microbiology
The book gives details on materials needed as well as the appropriate procedures, and also contains useful information on interpretation of culture results
Modules for practical exercises in pulmonology
Предложената програма съдържа 15 упражнения, разделени по основни нозологични единици и ползвана литература.
General Neurology
The book “General Neurology” is addressed to foreign medical students, trained in English in Bulgaria
Textbook of nervous diseases. General neurology
Clinical Pharmacology
Clinical pharmacology is a textbook addressed to medical students whose daily medical practice would involve the safe prescription of medicines to patients and the monitoring of their beneficial and adverse drug effects.
Latin and Introduction to Medical Terminology 2017
For Students of Medicine and Dental Medicine
Kommunikation in der Klinik - учебник по немски език за студенти по медицина
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology for Students in Medicine, pt. 2
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology is meant for second-year students of the masters’ program in Medicine.
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology for Students in Medicine, pt. 1
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology is meant for second-year students of the masters’ program in Medicine.
Lecture Course in General and Clinical Pathology for Dental Students
Pathology is a key step into medicine. It lays the foundations of the basic pathological process that occur in the human body.