Medicine English Books
Medical Biochemistry - Part 1
Second revised edition. Includes QR codes for 37 video lectures
A Handbook of Biology and Chemistry Test Items: For The Entrance Tests at Medical University of Varna (Fourth Revised Edition)
A Handbook of Biology and Chemistry Test Items is specifically intended for applicants, interested in the programmes of Medicine and Dental Medicine taught in English language at MU-Varna
Handbook for exercises on Propaediotics with Clinical-Laboratory Diagnostics
This handbook is in line with the curriculum of the discipline Propaediotics with Clinical-Laboratory Diagnostics
Handbook of Biochemistry for Dental Medicine Students
This handbook is a companion to the biochemistry course included in the curriculum of dental medicine students
General Pathology Notebook for Third-Year Medical Students
The purpose of this protocol notebook is to facilitate the teaching of general pathology to third-year medical students
Pathophysiology. 510 Exam Test Questions and Answers
This book serves as a study guide and source of practice questions for the Pathophysiology final exam
Photography in Dentistry
The Theory and Technique of Modern Documentation
Essentials in Piezosurgery
"Essentials in Piezosurgery" contains a summary of all the elements needed to gain insight into the clinical benefits of piezoelectric bone surgery in dentistry, implantology and oral surgery
Professional Communication In English: Medicine
The textbook is structured around eight units, focusing on medical systems and conditions and developing the key academic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking
Diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms of acute poisonings and toxoallergic reactions
Theoretical and practical study manual for medical students, specialty training doctors, doctoral candidates and general practitioners
Sobotta Anatomy Textbook, English Edition with Latin Nomenclature
Sobotta excels at comprehensibly explaining the fascinating world of anatomy and carries you safely through every test and your initial patient interactions
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Chemistry Questions and Answers Handbook
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System
This book aims to introduce medical and dental students to the morphology of the human central nervous system
Textbook of Pediatrics for Medical Students
The textbook is rich of illustrations, containing more than 50 tables ans 70 figures, which will help the readers